Is Your Serum Not Working? Here’s Why

Does your skin still feel the same after incorporating serum into your skincare regime? Are you planning to switch to another one, because you think, it’s not working for your skin? Then, wait and read this. If you don’t, you may end up jumping from one product to another on end. So, if you seriously want to see improvement in your skin, you should first understand why your serum is not working. Here are some of the reasons:

You Have Not Cleaned Your Face Properly

Cleaning your face properly is the foundation of every effective skincare routine. Because, when your skin is clean, it can help your serums absorb faster and work more effectively. How will you make sure that your skin is thoroughly cleaned? By Double Cleansing your face. Yes! That’s right. Because throughout the day, your skin collects both, water-soluble impurities, like dirt, dust, pollutants, etc.; and oil-soluble impurities that are hard to clean with a water-based cleanser, such as sebum, SPF residue, water-proof makeup, etc. This is why, you need two types of cleansers, a water-based and an oil-based cleanser to lift away the impurities sitting on your skin.

For instance, for dry skin, AGE recommends first cleansing the face with AGE Cleansing Milk and then with AGE Rose and Almond Face Wash as for oily skin, first with AGE Calendula Micellar Cleansing Water and then with AGE Green Tea and Honey Face Wash.

Dead Skin Cells are Clogging the Pores

Our skin produces new healthy skin cells while the mature skin cells move to the top, and die, making a layer of dead skin cells. This layer of dead skin cells acts as a barrier, preventing the absorption of serums into your healthy live skin, as most of your serum gets absorbed by dead skin cells. Therefore, timely removal of dead skin is essential for a serum or skincare regime to be effective, this is why AGE gives so much importance to scrubbing with AGE Honey and Oats Scrubber. Made of pure ingredients like honey and oats, AGE Honey and Oats Scrubber helps to gently remove dead skin cells from your face, giving it an instant glow and enabling skincare products to absorb faster and work more effectively. So, if you haven’t been scrubbing till now, do it with AGE Honey and Oats Scrubber today and see the difference for yourself like many Happy AGE Clients did.

You Are Not Applying Serum Consistently

Your serums or skincare regime will not give you the desired results if you are not using it or following it consistently. Just like a plant needs to be watered daily for fast and fuller growth, our skin also needs daily care to be healthy. So, if you want to get the desired results from your serum or skincare regime, make sure to use/follow them daily without fail, because our skin goes through a lot of damage and as age, our skin’s repair process starts to slow down. Using serums in your skincare regime can help reduce the effect of damage and repair your skin, helping it achieve and maintain health and natural glow.

You Are Using a Wrong Serum

Serum is not one-size-fits-all. It contains a high concentration of active ingredients which may or may not work for your skin type. Also, serums are formulated to target certain skin concerns, such as dryness, signs of ageing, wrinkles, acne, etc. For instance, if a serum is designed to treat acne, it may not work on your wrinkles. Therefore, it is important to choose serums keeping your skin types and concerns in mind.

AGE offers 3 serums: AGE Turmeric Night SerumAGE Skin Love Serum, and AGE Skin Love Retinol Serum. Want to know, which one your skin needs? Talk to AGE Experts at +91 - 83750 08375 (Whatsapp).

We hope you understood, what is preventing your serum from working at its fullest. Need help finding the right serum or building an effective skincare regime? Connect with AGE Experts or drop your queries in the comment box below. Happy Skincare To You!


Skin Care Regime

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